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In the event of an emergency, our crews rely on locating you as quickly as possible. Adequate signage of your 911 address on your home or business is imperative in reducing our response times.
HOUSE #1234
Also ensure that private roadways and driveways are labeled with proper names and numbers.
Welcome to the Pleasantville Volunteer Ambulance Corps
The Pleasantville Ambulance Corps (PVAC) is a group of volunteers totally committed to providing the communities of Pleasantville and Thornwood with the highest level of Basic Life Support care available. This service is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Since it's establishment in 1951, PVAC has grown to provide emergency ambulance service certified by the New York State Department of Health. We operate three state of the art ambulances equipped with the most up-to-date emergency lifesaving apparatus available to the corps.

Membership in PVAC provides many rewards including the gratification of being able to serve the community in a unique way. This is an opportunity for you to gain self-confidence in knowing how to handle emergencies, gain community respect, and form new friendships. At PVAC, there is a way for anyone to participate, regardless of experience, age, or background. For more information, click JOIN PVAC, contact us at 914-769-9299 or e-mail us at membership@pleasantvillevac.org.